How to Find a Job in a Recession: Work with a Staffing Agency

A Greek philosopher named Heraclitus stated, “the only constant in life is change.” Today, those words still ring true as we continue to see change and uncertainty shape our lives. Of all the changes we experience, economic recessions may be one of the most challenging. 

Forbes defines an economic recession as a “significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months or even years.” Recessions include rising unemployment and falling retail sales. 

Working with a staffing agency during difficult economic seasons can be extremely beneficial.  Recruiters can introduce you to new opportunities, help you explore other industries that may be in high demand and be your ally throughout the process. Recessions can be challenging, but staffing agencies can help. 

They open doors to new opportunities. 

Recessions are often defined by periods of high unemployment. When this happens, job seekers can greatly benefit by working with staffing recruiters who are able to introduce them to new types of opportunities. For many, this may mean being familiar with contract or temporary positions. During a period of economic uncertainty, companies are much more likely to rely on a temporary workforce. As Forbes puts it, “Engaging with temporary workers enables businesses to adjust their labor needs quickly and on a day-to-day basis.” At the same time, many job seekers enjoy contract work because it allows more flexibility. For example, you can “try before you buy” by trying out different work environments and working hours.

Often referred to as gig economy employees, temp workers are in high demand. Throughout 2022, the state of the economy has remained uncertain. However, the number of contract or contingent workers has grown. According to Forbes, it is estimated that 86.5 million people will be working a contingent job by 2027 – that’s half of the total workforce in the United States! Recruiters can help introduce you to this growing employment trend and connect you with positions that are an awesome fit for your career goals, even during a recession. 

They can help you explore other industries. 

In addition to introducing you to different types of work opportunities, staffing agencies can also help you explore positions in other industries. Both your hard skills, such as education and technical training, and soft skills, like leadership experience and working style, can be applied to roles in industries outside of your current area of expertise. For example, according to CNBC, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, many hospitality workers found themselves without a job. Some of those employees were able to utilize their customer service skills and pivot to positions that were in high demand during the pandemic, such as temperature takers. Recruiters are experts in matching skill sets with positions, regardless of the specific industry background you might have. In times of recession, you can count on a recruiter to make sure your skills are being used in the best possible way. 

Recruiters are your allies. 

Recruiters live to serve job seekers. The job search process can be daunting. When you work with a recruiter, you’re never alone. Staffing firms have access to positions that aren’t posted anywhere else and can even get your name in front of companies you may not know about. They’re able to recommend you for opportunities based on both your hard and soft skills, and they’ll fight for you during the interview process. Recruiters also offer  additional professional development services, such as resume review, interviewing prep and much more. When the world is uncertain, you need someone in your corner, and recruiters are your perfect job search ally.

Economic recessions can present difficult, challenging and uncertain times. While part of the normal ups and downs of our economy, these periods of time can be daunting for job seekers. When that time comes, count on staffing agencies to help you navigate through by opening doors to new opportunities, helping you explore new industries and being your ultimate ally throughout the whole process. 

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Sources: What is a Recession? by David Rodeck via Forbes; The coronavirus pandemic has created a new job: temperature taker by Jane Wells via CNBC by Yong Kim via Forbes; Why The Temporary Worker Must Be A Part Of The Recession Labor Market Discussion by Yong Kim via Forbes
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